Member-only story
Childishly Named CDRF
A silly prank that was fun, till it wasn’t
Twisted September Random Drabble 253
Drabble words are: set, put, and run
It was Janet’s idea. Just a bit of fun. She was dead set on it.
Knock on the door, put one foot in front of the other, then run like the devil down to the cross and laugh.
And laugh we did. Doubled over in stitches by the main road, we knew we’d never be caught.
The thought that we were scaring old people, we put out of our heads.
As the weeks went by we got braver and sillier.
We knocked harder and ran even faster.
Until the night when the hands of two policemen reached out, grabbing us.
CDRF is an acronym we made up for, chap doors, run fast. In Scotland the word chap means knock.
We used to play this game, as we saw it, on winter nights. A good policeman would have put paid to that game. 😂
If you’re not already on board with writing drabbles (short, 100-word stories, no more, no less), do yourself a favour. Get stuck in! They are a lot of fun to write but also serve as a lesson in tight writing, given the 100-word constraint.