Carol, when I got the call to say my mom had passed away, my words were, thank goodness! I just couldn't bear to see her waste away as she did.
In many ways she was like your mother worked and worked all her life, and raised seven children. She also contracted polio when she went into hospital with scarlet fever. I have often wondered if that fever was a precursor to polio. Sadly, we will never know.
That your mother is now at peace, is everything. Sure, you will miss her, and there will be tears.
I share my mother's birthday, so there is sadness on that date.
Blessings to you.
If you are interested, check out Bios Urns. Not sure if they are just Australian, but I think not. It's a much better, cheaper and environmentally sound way to be buried. You can become a plant of your choosing and grow in your family's garden.
I loathe the money hat we are charged just to take our leave of this earth.
Blessings to you. :)