but that doesn't mean I'd give a kid something that would fill their heads with harmful and disturbing ideologies.
Nor would I Susie. Nor would any sensitive teacher.
But take the issue of Terra Nullius...for a long time Australian history started after colonisarion. We left our the sensitive issue of the British people taking over an island belonging to the Aboriginal people. We missed out the industrial rev. I fought for that to bw part of history to be fixed in our school, and that meant going back to the industrial revolution and the resultant poverty amongst British people that led to their stealing so that they landed here as convicts.
I used to ask my students if any of them would steal (Catholic school so all of them were virtuous!). I'd would then tell them that if my children were seriously starving I would. That's when they start to think what starving actually means.
So much drama and role playing takes place in all of this. You would be amazed what primary school children deal with these days ...and do so well through development of different intelligences. (Mutiple Intelligences).