Bravo, Esther. These are wonderful. I only wish we could have a measure of grace and a life well-lived, and not worry about the outer changes that happen, and know we have lived a good life, and touched others along the way.
We all grow old, many not so gracefully. I think though, that we are constantly confronting our age for all sorts of reasons, passports, driving a car, being a given age so you need to do this health test. Who says? No need to answer that one.
I recently, in lock down, allowed my hair to become its natural color. I have been fighting grey hair since my twenties ( think it may be a Celtic thing), and have paid huge amounts of money to keep my hair 'looking good'. I now pay for really great cuts instead. I continue to get compliments about how wonderful it looks. My hairdresser tells me she goes against the grain of her profession insofar as she will never color her, and encourages her clients to embrace age, and time. She's right of course.