Bougainville Island Beautiful And Vexed

Maria Rattray
8 min readAug 26, 2020

A tiny island waiting in hope

Photo by Chema Photo on Unsplash

We lived on this beautiful island off the coast of PNG for a year, initially.

For us it was love at first sight.

An island swaying with palm trees that hung over a pristine-white sandy coastline.

A place where every day, give or take a daily downpour of rain, the sun shone from a brilliantly-blue sky.

With a beach that seemed to gently move beneath one’s feet, but was in fact, promoted by the activity of the tiny, busy hermit crabs going about their daily work.

A spot on this earth where beautiful dark-skinned children, whose smiles lit up our every day, welcomed us.

This was Paradise.

Our Utopia.

For one year, a long time ago…just shortly after we were married, it was.

Yes it was Paradise, but it was also a bit of a culture shock for us.

There was only one less-then-super supermarket which was stocked for a couple of days, (after the boat came in, which was every three weeks), stocked with, well not a lot that we were interested in eating, to be honest.

Not for someone like me, an emergent super-chef who needed specific ingredients in order to deliver a meal that…



Maria Rattray

Writer, author, teacher, fun-loving poet. Trying valiantly to make the world a better place. Helping you to guide the future. Find me at: