Beth I find it worrying that a doctor scares you off eating fat. Fat is necessary for brain health. Red meat we need for iron.
If you read the work of Dr. Jason Fung, a renowned Canadian nephrologist, hopefully you will have a better take on how to live into your nineties. He has written so many books on diets.
This post on dietary fats and sugar is an eye opener.
The other group of doctors you might find interesting you will find here.
One thing I would do, and have done, is eliminate all processed foods. That way you don't have to read labels so much.
I am not a doctor, but I do read lots, and find huge amounts of comfort in the work of Dr. Fung.
Pre-diabetic is when you really need answers. Diabetes can be turned around.
Also, you might be interested in the work of Dr. Mehmet Yildez, here on Medium.