Beith I was once a distance runner, a marathoner a few times.
I wasn't in any way sporty, but I married a man who was, an A-grade squash player, tennis player, and eventually a runner.Whatever sport he took up, he became good at.
In the early days of our marriage I visualised my becoming a fat, frumpy older women. It didn't sit well with me, so I too took up running
It was more of a shuffle, to be honest, even downhill, so I devised a way to succeed.
I ran ten paces, walked ten paces, upping it to twenty of each until the first tome I ran 2km without stopping.
Thereafter I was hooked, and able to run long distances with my husband.
We did lots of fun runs over the years and I got into marathons. Life was terrific.
But suddenly I couldn't run. I was waking in the night in huge knee pain. I blamed it on the running.
But this occurred when our daughter was sick and we couldn't get medical help. I went looking myself, and found out lots about food.
In one day I cleared my pantry of all foods with additives, cut out carbs, (sugar which cause systemic inflammation) and essentially made everything from scratch.
Three weeks later I had no knee pain and it has never returned,'
A friend who was also a runner, has had so many replacements on knees and ankles, bone on bone, his doctor told him. He still hasn't fixed his problem.
I'm telling you this because it could well help your husband with his knee pain .
This is worth a read.