As you know, Carole, it is winter here and so most of what I will be doing right now is a series of thought bubbles, for spring. Although we have bought a new, electric mower, and it's great, we plan NOT to have much of a lawn. Instead I plan a rewild our garden to try to improve biodiversity. I'm hoping it will be good enough to have the neighbors asking.
It's rained almost non-stop here. I'm not complaining when I look at my fellow Aussies suffering so much. But what has happened is, as I have removed some of the odd 'garden design' that is, removing pebbles and stones. I have all these plants just popping up randomly.I have assured them they can stay. It's where they want to be. I
don't want a beautiful garden. I want a stunning garden. I want one where birds and butterflies, bees and natural flora and fauna want to visit. I think I can do it. I won't be doing huge digs, because we d o such terrible damage to 'what lies beneath' when we do so.
Any lawn we have, I HOPE will be a thyme one. Think you may have to mow once a season or thereabouts.
I still love the idea of my plants, my color, my minibeasts being there because it's home.
Have a large area under a tree where I toss all sorts of cuttings. It's amazing what I now find there.
So don't worry about having opted for a garden.
Just a few months ago we spent a night in an apartment where no windows opened...deliberately designed balcony. We couldn't wait to leave in the morning.