As two people who hardly watch TV, 'Insiders" a political show, gets us out of bed. It's always good, and the two freshly-brewed cups of coffee make it even better.
The only downside to this is that so much of the day seems to be gone, so I have gotten into the habit of making a couple of keto loaves, and a tray of muffins which prepare for the week ahead.
Sundays are quiet for us...getting into the garden and going for a power walk are my favourites.
Tonight I made a roast. Remind me never to make a roast again. People say a roast is so easy.
Oh really?
I deep-cleaned the kitchen this morning, BEFORE Insiders, and now I ma faced with doing it again.
Sundays are pretty all-in for me.
This particular Monday is already looking bleak. 🤣🤣😃