As a Scottish mother, now a forever Australian citizen, who fed her only child fish fingers and real biscuits, I resonated with much of this.
We never set out to have one child, but like many other parents, you don't always get what you want.
Our daughter was never a Nigel.
Poor Nigel. I taught many a Nigel and every blessed one of them craved company instead of doing two hours practice of the piano, or working out some algebraic equations , and studying their native language on Saturday mornings in year two.
Instead we invited kids in from the highways and byways, so they could show our kid what sharing looks like.
And in the early days when they wrote on her doona, duvet, or whatever, or tore a page from her best-loved book, or scratched their names on her brand-new desk, we managed to assure her that this was part of life, and not the end of the world.
Music lessons, but no Chinese.
I like to think we dun good, kinda got the balance right, but who knows?
She was a thief at one time, so maybe we failed.🤣🤣😃