Armie Hammer...must check this...FABULOUS comment by the way.
I was thinking the other day that Balmoral Castle would easily be converted to small homes for the homeless. Sure there are some nice houses in and around Aberdeen, but there are still many people who need help. How can any one group justify having so much just as a holiday home?
I grew up in Scotland. We were poor. Everyone was poor, but we were still fed, and clothed and my parents made it from one week to the next.
One day the queen drove through our tiny village...on her way to her holiday home? As kids we were super-excited. I thought that maybe I'd get to talk to her, shake her hand, or something.
There we were, all lined up bursting with expectations, and the car drove on...all we saw was a gloved hand, waving.
Can you imagine? We were little girls, released for an hour from school, for nothing much at all.