Annie that was replicated here.
We were in Queensland when the borders were closing. We had done a bit of house sitting as we were looking to re-locate there, but, overnight we had nowhere to go. Same for caravaners and mobile home people.
I remember that morning well. It was announced on TV and Alistair and I looked at each other not knowing what to do.
A friend who has a renovated church in the country, rang to offer it to us, which we gratefully accepted.
We later stayed with our daughter for a little while.
One year later, our home that we'd sold, doubled in price. Can you imagine?
Everywhere we looked prices were through the roof.
I have never seen so many real estate agents behave so badly.
The suddenly-wealthy people in inner Sydney and Melbourne were buying investment houses online, and real estate agents wouldn't even answer our calls. They didn't need to.
Homelessness overnight happened for people with good jobs. No reason for not renewing contracts, they were turfed out.
Alistair and I were stymied in the moment. We couldn't cope with everything that was happening, and so, our daughter took over haggling for us.
We paid far too much for a pretty ordinary little house, but at least we have a home.
The fear, sadly, and the realisation that nothing in life is guaranteed, never leaves, after such an experience.
Please let me know what you think of Jared's story.
Thanks Annie. 💜💛💜