Alright Mary...I started off knowing very little about food, but progressed long ago to a good cook when I joined the Tea Trolley Gourmet club many years ago.
These days I don't cook daily. I cook once to serve us at least twice, if not, thrice.
I waste nothing.
I don't go out to eat, mostly because I don't trust the standard of ingredients.
I will say this though, as an athlete, I would advise you to get your food prep as far away from factory food as possible. No bottled sauces etc.
I stopped running because my knees were incredibly painful. I
d wake in the night in tears.
A few weeks later, having totally cleaned up my diet, my knees had healed.
here is no doubt in my mind that we are what we eat...not right away, but certainly over time.
This was an excellent challenge.