Absolutely, Penny. I have always maintained this. It's taken me a while to understand that my husband's family , all super-high achievers, are on the spectrum in so many different and differing ways.
My husband, and he won't mind my saying this, is somewhat literal on occasions, and yet he has a fabulous sense of humour. To me, the two contradict each other.
We had a chat the other night about intellect. What exactly defines it?
For instance, I could never imagine being a mathematician, because algebra, later on, made little sense to me, whereas geometry did, because I could mentally imagine/piece things together. I LOVED teaching geometry, and watching students cut and paste and experiencing the aha moment.
And though Alistair, is very exacting about correctness of language, he lacks creativity.
As for normal, the rules keep changing.
Thanks for commenting, Penny. Bet you didn't bargain for a treatise on the subject. :)