A few years ago we were travelling through some country towns close to where we live now. I was terribly sick and needed to find a toilet. Let me say first, I loathe most public toilets but I was pretty desperate.
Despite feeling so sick, I noted the toilets were spotless. The one I used was not, by the time I was finished.
I cleaned that toilet like it was my own. Nobody would have had any idea of one sick woman down on her knees removing all evidence. I may well have used a whole tree in doing so, but at least I left that toilet as I found it.
A week or so later, I wrote to tell council how impressed I was with their standards. I got a lovely email back in return.
If we all exercised care, public toilets would be left sans the gag element that cleaners have to put up with.
In my opinion toilet cleaners' salaries should be tripled at the very least.It is far from being a lowly job. It's vital. Could I clean public toilets??? A good question. Still, the answer's yes, if I really had to.
Great article Ralph. I applaud you.